KUALA LUMPUR: Thursday night’s meeting of the Barisan Nasional supreme council is expected to decide on action to be taken against component Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), which had said it would support a motion of no-confidence against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Barisan secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor said the SAPP issue would definitely be discussed at tonight’s meeting as the Barisan management committee had made its recommendation.
The supreme council meeting, to be chaired by Abdullah in his capacity as Barisan chairman, is scheduled for 8.30pm at the Menara Datuk Onn of the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) here. Tengku Adnan declined to elaborate on the recommendation of the Barisan management committee but SAPP is expected to show cause.
Sources said the Barisan management committee had recommended SAPP be expelled but added that this would only be resorted to after the rebel party had been issued a show-cause letter.
The SAPP has two Members of Parliament, Datuk Dr Chua Soon Bui (Tawau) and Datuk Eric Enchin Majimbun (Sepanggar).
SAPP president Datuk Yong Teck Lee, when contacted, said the party had not been invited to attend Thursday night’s Barisan supreme council meeting.
“No, we are not invited,” he said in an SMS message to Bernama.
Yong, who is in Kota Kinabalu, said he was waiting to be questioned by the Anti Corruption Agency (ACA).
The ACA has opened an investigation on Yong in connection with graft totalling RM5 million, alleged to have taken place in 1996 when he was Sabah Chief Minister. -- Bernama
We shall await for the result later tonight or tomorrow to know whether BN and in particular AAB is man enough to accept SAPP vote of no confidence or to be expelled which literally spelling "no one can question the BN leadership and to be in BN everyone must be blindly obedient".
The ACA investigation is all expected.
There must be some sort of allegation be made in order to justified should SAPP President be kicked out from BN.
Next our flippy floppy will come out with a statement " We in BN do not condone such practice. We have to fight corruption to the lowest level". "We must ensure our nation prosper without corrupted leaders"...bla..bla..bla...sing song blowing hot air around.
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Perbezaan di antara perjuangan dan kekuatan yang dipupuk semasa zaman menuju kemerdekaan dahulu dengan yang ada pada masa kini terletak kepada keikhlasan para pemimpin.
Pada era kebangkitan untuk mendapatkan kemerdekaan dari jajahan British dahulu, para pejuang bangsa bertungkus lumus dengan tulang empat kerat dan berlandaskan perjuangan menuntut hak anak bangsa dan agama.
Tiada pangkat atau harta yang dijanjikan untuk mereka jika berjaya melepaskan Tanah Melayu dari dicengkam penjajah. Sekarang, mereka mereka yang kononnya berjuang untuk agama dan bangsa adalah setakat PERJUANGAN MULUT. Perjuangan sebenar mereka adalah PERJUANGAN PANGKAT DAN HARTA BENDA.
Perjuangan untuk menjadi ketua; dari ketua bahagian hinggalah ke pucuk pimpinan yang teratas sekali. Perjuangan mereka hanya berlandaskan wang ringgit tanpa mengendahkan kebajikan rakyat. Tanpa keikhlasan, perpaduan antara Melayu yang di atas (yang senantiasa sibuk menjaga kebajikan masing masing dan menikan belakang), dan Melayu yang di bawah (rakyat biasa yang bekerja untuk mendapatkan gaji cukup makan sebulan) akan goyah.
Para pemimpin semakin lahap memboloti apa yang dapat dikejar tanpa rasa segan silu dengan perlakuan yang dianggap tidak senonoh dan kertelaluan. Setiap bahagian keluarga dari anak anak, adik beradik, sepupu sepapat hinggalah ke biras masing masing mempunyai kepentingan tersendiri.
Ya, memang sukar untuk menolak permintaan orang orang terdekat yang datang menghulurkan tangan meminta pertolongan. Tetapi ianya haruslah dilakukan dengan berpada pada dan adil.
Jadi, bagaimana jikalau wujud satu kelompok yang benar benar jujur dengan diri sendiri, dengan rakyat dan tidak mengambil kesempatan mengaut keuntungan diri sendiri dapat mengelakkan dari terjerumus ke lembah kerakusan harta benda pada masa ini.
Lima jari adalah lebih kuat dari satu jari telunjuk.
Oleh itu lahirlah dan akan lahir lagi ramai para pelapis yang akan mengejar dan melalui jalan jalan perjuangan songsang ini. "If you cant beat 'em, join them"....
Dengan itu telah hilanglah perjuangan sebenar, lenyaplah perpaduan dan tiada persefahaman, rakyat porak peranda, pemimpin sibuk mengaut harta, negara akan tergadai kepada si anak angkat Isreal, bangsa akan dijajah sepenuhnya.
Akan hilang UMNO, Melayu dan Islam di Malaysia jika kerakusan ini diteruskan oleh pemimpin sekarang dan masa hadapan.
Pada era kebangkitan untuk mendapatkan kemerdekaan dari jajahan British dahulu, para pejuang bangsa bertungkus lumus dengan tulang empat kerat dan berlandaskan perjuangan menuntut hak anak bangsa dan agama.
Tiada pangkat atau harta yang dijanjikan untuk mereka jika berjaya melepaskan Tanah Melayu dari dicengkam penjajah. Sekarang, mereka mereka yang kononnya berjuang untuk agama dan bangsa adalah setakat PERJUANGAN MULUT. Perjuangan sebenar mereka adalah PERJUANGAN PANGKAT DAN HARTA BENDA.
Perjuangan untuk menjadi ketua; dari ketua bahagian hinggalah ke pucuk pimpinan yang teratas sekali. Perjuangan mereka hanya berlandaskan wang ringgit tanpa mengendahkan kebajikan rakyat. Tanpa keikhlasan, perpaduan antara Melayu yang di atas (yang senantiasa sibuk menjaga kebajikan masing masing dan menikan belakang), dan Melayu yang di bawah (rakyat biasa yang bekerja untuk mendapatkan gaji cukup makan sebulan) akan goyah.
Para pemimpin semakin lahap memboloti apa yang dapat dikejar tanpa rasa segan silu dengan perlakuan yang dianggap tidak senonoh dan kertelaluan. Setiap bahagian keluarga dari anak anak, adik beradik, sepupu sepapat hinggalah ke biras masing masing mempunyai kepentingan tersendiri.
Ya, memang sukar untuk menolak permintaan orang orang terdekat yang datang menghulurkan tangan meminta pertolongan. Tetapi ianya haruslah dilakukan dengan berpada pada dan adil.
Jadi, bagaimana jikalau wujud satu kelompok yang benar benar jujur dengan diri sendiri, dengan rakyat dan tidak mengambil kesempatan mengaut keuntungan diri sendiri dapat mengelakkan dari terjerumus ke lembah kerakusan harta benda pada masa ini.
Lima jari adalah lebih kuat dari satu jari telunjuk.
Oleh itu lahirlah dan akan lahir lagi ramai para pelapis yang akan mengejar dan melalui jalan jalan perjuangan songsang ini. "If you cant beat 'em, join them"....
Dengan itu telah hilanglah perjuangan sebenar, lenyaplah perpaduan dan tiada persefahaman, rakyat porak peranda, pemimpin sibuk mengaut harta, negara akan tergadai kepada si anak angkat Isreal, bangsa akan dijajah sepenuhnya.
Akan hilang UMNO, Melayu dan Islam di Malaysia jika kerakusan ini diteruskan oleh pemimpin sekarang dan masa hadapan.
Monday, 23 June 2008
"Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) members of parliament (MPs) were voted in on the Barisan Nasional (BN) ticket in the March 8 election and as such should be more responsible and uphold BN discipline and it was not the BN way to question its leadership.
Like in a family, it is not right for a member to talk bad about the family to outsiders, what more to cooperate with enemies of the family just because they promised better things." , said Information Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek.
The above is an extract from Information Minister's comment when asked about the SAPP current affair.
The thing that i cannot comprehend was his statement.
It speaks foolishness of himself and the party as a whole.
It might only be his own personal understanding of BN's unwritten terms and conditions. But then again, it might also be true that to be in BN you cannot say NO to the leader and you cannot question why thing are done that way.
Perhaps he said it just to protect his own interest but the expense of his own private belief.
Why are people still subscribing to this old mentalities.
Why cant we question our leader, or our teachers or our parents when we cannot understand why certain things are done in certain ways.
Yes, it is considered rude in the old days if you say no to your elders. Every decision they make is considered to be correct and wise.
But we are progressing and to progress further, mentally, we must learn to say NO; not in our head but thru our mouth.
This is no era of nodding the head to all suggestions and propositions.
My understanding is easy. This is pure respect without limitations.
Respect which made the believers to be blindly ushered to any corner without their own free will.
Respect that has made people lost touch with their own gut feeling.
Respect should come along with the ability to discern or judge what is true and right and speaks of one mind freely without the fear of being alienated or labeled by an individual or a group.
What is a man when he cannot say what he felt.
I wonder whether these people actually allocate fifteen minutes of their own quiet time in a day and ask themselves their worthy?
Do they honestly admit deep inside them that they will not question the current leadership at all and will support till the end even though they realised that there had been too many flip flopping during this two term.
What is more worthy now; position or pride?
Like in a family, it is not right for a member to talk bad about the family to outsiders, what more to cooperate with enemies of the family just because they promised better things." , said Information Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek.
The above is an extract from Information Minister's comment when asked about the SAPP current affair.
The thing that i cannot comprehend was his statement.
It speaks foolishness of himself and the party as a whole.
It might only be his own personal understanding of BN's unwritten terms and conditions. But then again, it might also be true that to be in BN you cannot say NO to the leader and you cannot question why thing are done that way.
Perhaps he said it just to protect his own interest but the expense of his own private belief.
Why are people still subscribing to this old mentalities.
Why cant we question our leader, or our teachers or our parents when we cannot understand why certain things are done in certain ways.
Yes, it is considered rude in the old days if you say no to your elders. Every decision they make is considered to be correct and wise.
But we are progressing and to progress further, mentally, we must learn to say NO; not in our head but thru our mouth.
This is no era of nodding the head to all suggestions and propositions.
My understanding is easy. This is pure respect without limitations.
Respect which made the believers to be blindly ushered to any corner without their own free will.
Respect that has made people lost touch with their own gut feeling.
Respect should come along with the ability to discern or judge what is true and right and speaks of one mind freely without the fear of being alienated or labeled by an individual or a group.
What is a man when he cannot say what he felt.
I wonder whether these people actually allocate fifteen minutes of their own quiet time in a day and ask themselves their worthy?
Do they honestly admit deep inside them that they will not question the current leadership at all and will support till the end even though they realised that there had been too many flip flopping during this two term.
What is more worthy now; position or pride?
Sunday, 22 June 2008

I guess to be in politics, one cannot be sitting on the fence at all.
It is either A or B. No in between.
There isn't anything in between A or B.
So one must decide. Responsibly and quickly.
But what happen when after the joining party A, the person realised that he had chosen the wrong boat? It is actually heading down the rough water and the captain was just sitting leisurely looking after a few of his fishing rod and no one is navigating the boat.
Can he go up the fence again, or he just swim his way up the other available boat?
In local political arena for the past forty years, there had been a lot of jumping in and out. Changing boat and changing course.
Does this make the person lack leadership attributes? Perhaps.
Saturday, 21 June 2008
"When Ayah retired, he was in financial straits. The Government allocated a bungalow in the Federal Capital for him to stay for life. This was the government quarters at No. 1, Kenny Road (now Jalan Bukit Tunku).
When I became Finance Minister, I felt that as a national icon, Ayah must be given the opportunity to own the house. I discussed the matter with Tun Hussein Onn and it was decided that the house should be sold to Ayah at a special price normally fixed for the benefit of the disadvantaged, namely one-eighth of the market value. Since even that was too expensive for Ayah, I was more than happy to arrange for the money."
The above caption was extracted from Ku Li's blog.
I came across this posting "Tunku Ensured Malays Predominance" and it was posted somewhere in September last year.
There are two things that caught my attention on this late Prime Minister.
1) his was having financial constraint after he left office.
2) that he actually did do something in order to ensure the Malays are still privileged despite what was claimed of him.
It surprises me to know that an ex-government servant, what more, the ex Prime Minister of Malaysia was in fact having money problems. Comparing to the current leaders whereby their assets not just limited to the Malaysian shores but also abroad. That does not include their companies run by proxies, and all other money making amenities. I felt previous leaders are not as greedy and money minded as those of current lot.
I remember one statement which is supposed to be a side menu joke during business meetings; the most 'sengkek' exco member in Selangor must have at least 2 million in their account.
MY KU LI - YBM Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah
When I became Finance Minister, I felt that as a national icon, Ayah must be given the opportunity to own the house. I discussed the matter with Tun Hussein Onn and it was decided that the house should be sold to Ayah at a special price normally fixed for the benefit of the disadvantaged, namely one-eighth of the market value. Since even that was too expensive for Ayah, I was more than happy to arrange for the money."
The above caption was extracted from Ku Li's blog.
I came across this posting "Tunku Ensured Malays Predominance" and it was posted somewhere in September last year.
There are two things that caught my attention on this late Prime Minister.
1) his was having financial constraint after he left office.
2) that he actually did do something in order to ensure the Malays are still privileged despite what was claimed of him.
It surprises me to know that an ex-government servant, what more, the ex Prime Minister of Malaysia was in fact having money problems. Comparing to the current leaders whereby their assets not just limited to the Malaysian shores but also abroad. That does not include their companies run by proxies, and all other money making amenities. I felt previous leaders are not as greedy and money minded as those of current lot.
I remember one statement which is supposed to be a side menu joke during business meetings; the most 'sengkek' exco member in Selangor must have at least 2 million in their account.
MY KU LI - YBM Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah
Friday, 20 June 2008
Malaysia Today: Your source of independent news - Rosmah at murder scene
Malaysia Today: Your source of independent news - Rosmah at murder scene
Malaysia Today: Your source of independent news - Rosmah at murder scene
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
I read this comment and found it very interesting and enlightening both in the statement and its similarity to the earlier statement in local news today.
I hope citrus_medica don't mind me carrying his comment in this blog.
And i still wonder......probably yes, probably no, probably yes...
Assalamualaikum & Good Day to All,
1) The salaries paid to PETRONAS' employees are not as high as people think. At best, they are just industry average. And these are not attractive enough for some who left PETRONAS to find work at other companies (mainly from the Middle East) which are willing to pay more. Why do they pay more? The oil and gas industry worldwide has been facing acute shortage of qualified or experienced personnel, so most companies are willing to pay lots of money to entice and pinch staff from their competitors.
Bonus? There has NEVER been a bonus amounting to 6 months or 12 months throughout the 33 years. On average, it is 2 months. But don't ever think we don't deserve it. We more than deserve it. A lot of us work really hard, some in the most extreme of conditions. Those who have been to and worked in northern Sudan, for example, would testify that it's like working in a huge blower oven. Southern Sudan, on the other hand, is almost all swamps and mud. Imagine having to go through that kind of heat, or waddling in muddy swamps, day in and day out.
2) Malaysia produces about 600,000 barrels of crude oil per day (and about 100,000 barrels condensate). Of this crude volume, 339,000 barrels are refined locally for local consumption. The rest is exported (and yes, because it has lower sulphur content it fetches higher prices).
Malaysia also imports about 230,000 barrels of crude oil per day, mainly from the Middle East, to be refined here. This crude oil contains higher sulphur and is less expensive (so the country gains more by exporting our crudes). In Malaysia, this crude is processed by PETRONAS at its second refinery in Melaka, and also by Shell at its Port Dickson refinery.
Different refineries are built and configurated to refine different types of crude. And each crude type yields different percentage of products (diesel, gasoline, kerosene, cooking gas etc) per barrel.
But most importantly, products that come out at the end of the refining process have the same good quality regardless of the crude types. That's why PETRONAS, Shell and Exxon Mobil share the same pipeline to transport the finished products from their refineries to a distribution centre in the Klang Valley. The three companies collect the products at this centre accordingly to be distributed to their respective distribution networks. What makes PETRONAS' petrol different from Shell's, for example, is the additive that each company adds.
3) A lot of people also do not understand the role and function of PETRONAS, which is essentially a company, a business entity, which operates on a commercial manner, to mainly generate income and value for its shareholder. In this case, PETRONAS' shareholder is the Government.
In 1974, when PETRONAS was set up, the Government gave PETRONAS RM10 million (peanuts, right?) as seed capital. From 1974 to 2007, PETRONAS made RM570 billion in accumulated profits, and returned to the Government a total of RM335.7 billion. That is about 65% of the profits. That means for every RM1 that PETRONAS makes, 65 sen goes back to the Government.
Last year, PETRONAS made a pre-tax profit of RM86.8 billion. The amount given back to the Government (in royalty, dividends, corporate income tax, petroleum products income tax and export duty) was RM52.3 billion. The rest of the profit was used to pay off minority interests and taxes in foreign countries (about RM7.8 billion - PETRONAS now operates in more than 30 countries), and the remaining RM26.7 billion was reinvested. The amount reinvested seems a lot, but the oil and gas industry is technology- and capital-intensive. Costs have gone up exponentially in the last couple of years. Previously, to drill a well, it cost about US$3 million; now it costs US$7 million. The use of rigs was US$200,000 a day a couple of years ago; now it costs US$600,000 a day.
A lot of people also do not realise that the amount returned by PETRONAS to the Government makes up 35% of the Government's total annual income, to be used by the Government for expenditures, development, operations, and yes, for the various subsidies. That means for every RM1 the Government makes, 35 sen is contributed by PETRONAS.
So, instead of asking what happens to PETRIONAS' money or profits, people should be questioning how the money paid by PETRONAS to the Government is allocated.
4) A lot of people also ask, why Malaysia exports its crude oil. Shouldn't we just stop exporting and sell at cheaper prices to local refiners? If Malaysia is an oil exporting country, why can't we sell petrol or diesel at cheaper prices like other oil producing countries in the Middle East?
I guess I don't have to answer the first couple of questions. It's simple economics, and crude oil is a global commodity.
Why can't we sell petrol and diesel at lower prices like in the Middle East? Well, comparing Saudi Arabia and other big producers to Malaysia is like comparing kurma to durian, because these Middle Eastern countries have much, much, much bigger oil and gas reserves.
Malaysia has only 5.4 billion barrels of oil reserves, and about 89 trillion cubic feet of gas. Compare that to Saudi Arabia's 260 billion barrels of oil and 240 trillion cubic feet of gas.
Malaysia only produces 600,000 barrels per day of oil. Saudi Arabia produces 9 million barrels per day. At this rate, Saudi Arabia's crude oil sales revenue could amount to US$1.2 billion per day! At this rate, it can practically afford almost everything -- free education, healthcare, etc, and subsidies -- for its people.
But if we look at these countries closely, they have in the past few years started to come up with policies and strategies designed to prolong their reserves and diversify their income bases. In this sense, Malaysia (and PETRONAS) has had a good head start, as we have been doing this a long time.
Fuel prices in Malaysia is controlled by the Government based on a formula under the Automatic Pricing Mechanism introduced more than a couple of decades ago. It is under this mechanism that the complex calculation of prices is made, based on the actual cost of petrol or diesel, the operating costs, margin for dealers, margin for retail oil companies (including PETRONAS Dagangan Bhd) and the balancing number of duty or subsidy. No retail oil companies or dealers actually make money from the hike of the fuel prices. Oil companies pay for the products at market prices, but have to sell low, so the Government reimburses the difference -- thus subsidy.
Subsidy as a concept is OK as long as it benefits the really deserving segment of the population. But there has to be a limit to how much and how long the Government should bear and sustain subsidy. An environment where prices are kept artificially low indefinitely will not do anyone any good. That's why countries like Indonesia are more pro-active in removing subsidies. Even Vietnam (which is a socialist country, by the way) is selling fuel at market prices.
5) I feel I also need to say something on the allegation that PETRONAS is not transparent in terms of its accounts, business transactions etc.
PETRONAS is first and foremost a company, operating under the rules and regulations of the authorities including the Registrar of Companies, and the Securities Commission and Bursa Malaysia for its listed four subsidiaries (PETRONAS Dagangan Bhd, PETRONAS Gas Bhd, MISC Bhd and KLCC Property Holdings Bhd.
PETRONAS the holding company produces annual reports which are made to whomever wants them, and are distributed to many parties and places; including to the library at the Parliament House for perusal and reading pleasure of all Yang Berhormat MPs (if they care to read). PETRONAS also makes the annual report available on its website, for those who bother to look. The accounts are duly audited.
The website also contains a lot of useful information, if people really care to find out. Although PETRONAS is not listed on Bursa Malaysia, for all intents and purposes, it could be considered a listed entity as its bonds and financial papers are traded overseas. This requires scrutiny from investors, and from rating agencies such as Standard & Poor and Moody's.
6) The last time I checked, this is still a democratic country, where people are free to spend their money wherever they like.
For those who like to see more of the money that they spend go back to the local economy and benefiting their fellow Malaysians, perhaps they should consider sticking to local products or companies.
For those who like to see that the money they spend go back to foreign shareholders of the foreign companies overseas, they should continue buying foreign products.
I'm sorry this is rather long, but I just have to convey it. I hope this would help some of you out there understand something. The oil and gas industry, apart from being very capital intensive, is also very complex and volatile. I'm learning new things almost every single day.
June 17, 2008 8:40 PM
written by citrus_medica.
I hope citrus_medica don't mind me carrying his comment in this blog.
And i still wonder......probably yes, probably no, probably yes...
Assalamualaikum & Good Day to All,
1) The salaries paid to PETRONAS' employees are not as high as people think. At best, they are just industry average. And these are not attractive enough for some who left PETRONAS to find work at other companies (mainly from the Middle East) which are willing to pay more. Why do they pay more? The oil and gas industry worldwide has been facing acute shortage of qualified or experienced personnel, so most companies are willing to pay lots of money to entice and pinch staff from their competitors.
Bonus? There has NEVER been a bonus amounting to 6 months or 12 months throughout the 33 years. On average, it is 2 months. But don't ever think we don't deserve it. We more than deserve it. A lot of us work really hard, some in the most extreme of conditions. Those who have been to and worked in northern Sudan, for example, would testify that it's like working in a huge blower oven. Southern Sudan, on the other hand, is almost all swamps and mud. Imagine having to go through that kind of heat, or waddling in muddy swamps, day in and day out.
2) Malaysia produces about 600,000 barrels of crude oil per day (and about 100,000 barrels condensate). Of this crude volume, 339,000 barrels are refined locally for local consumption. The rest is exported (and yes, because it has lower sulphur content it fetches higher prices).
Malaysia also imports about 230,000 barrels of crude oil per day, mainly from the Middle East, to be refined here. This crude oil contains higher sulphur and is less expensive (so the country gains more by exporting our crudes). In Malaysia, this crude is processed by PETRONAS at its second refinery in Melaka, and also by Shell at its Port Dickson refinery.
Different refineries are built and configurated to refine different types of crude. And each crude type yields different percentage of products (diesel, gasoline, kerosene, cooking gas etc) per barrel.
But most importantly, products that come out at the end of the refining process have the same good quality regardless of the crude types. That's why PETRONAS, Shell and Exxon Mobil share the same pipeline to transport the finished products from their refineries to a distribution centre in the Klang Valley. The three companies collect the products at this centre accordingly to be distributed to their respective distribution networks. What makes PETRONAS' petrol different from Shell's, for example, is the additive that each company adds.
3) A lot of people also do not understand the role and function of PETRONAS, which is essentially a company, a business entity, which operates on a commercial manner, to mainly generate income and value for its shareholder. In this case, PETRONAS' shareholder is the Government.
In 1974, when PETRONAS was set up, the Government gave PETRONAS RM10 million (peanuts, right?) as seed capital. From 1974 to 2007, PETRONAS made RM570 billion in accumulated profits, and returned to the Government a total of RM335.7 billion. That is about 65% of the profits. That means for every RM1 that PETRONAS makes, 65 sen goes back to the Government.
Last year, PETRONAS made a pre-tax profit of RM86.8 billion. The amount given back to the Government (in royalty, dividends, corporate income tax, petroleum products income tax and export duty) was RM52.3 billion. The rest of the profit was used to pay off minority interests and taxes in foreign countries (about RM7.8 billion - PETRONAS now operates in more than 30 countries), and the remaining RM26.7 billion was reinvested. The amount reinvested seems a lot, but the oil and gas industry is technology- and capital-intensive. Costs have gone up exponentially in the last couple of years. Previously, to drill a well, it cost about US$3 million; now it costs US$7 million. The use of rigs was US$200,000 a day a couple of years ago; now it costs US$600,000 a day.
A lot of people also do not realise that the amount returned by PETRONAS to the Government makes up 35% of the Government's total annual income, to be used by the Government for expenditures, development, operations, and yes, for the various subsidies. That means for every RM1 the Government makes, 35 sen is contributed by PETRONAS.
So, instead of asking what happens to PETRIONAS' money or profits, people should be questioning how the money paid by PETRONAS to the Government is allocated.
4) A lot of people also ask, why Malaysia exports its crude oil. Shouldn't we just stop exporting and sell at cheaper prices to local refiners? If Malaysia is an oil exporting country, why can't we sell petrol or diesel at cheaper prices like other oil producing countries in the Middle East?
I guess I don't have to answer the first couple of questions. It's simple economics, and crude oil is a global commodity.
Why can't we sell petrol and diesel at lower prices like in the Middle East? Well, comparing Saudi Arabia and other big producers to Malaysia is like comparing kurma to durian, because these Middle Eastern countries have much, much, much bigger oil and gas reserves.
Malaysia has only 5.4 billion barrels of oil reserves, and about 89 trillion cubic feet of gas. Compare that to Saudi Arabia's 260 billion barrels of oil and 240 trillion cubic feet of gas.
Malaysia only produces 600,000 barrels per day of oil. Saudi Arabia produces 9 million barrels per day. At this rate, Saudi Arabia's crude oil sales revenue could amount to US$1.2 billion per day! At this rate, it can practically afford almost everything -- free education, healthcare, etc, and subsidies -- for its people.
But if we look at these countries closely, they have in the past few years started to come up with policies and strategies designed to prolong their reserves and diversify their income bases. In this sense, Malaysia (and PETRONAS) has had a good head start, as we have been doing this a long time.
Fuel prices in Malaysia is controlled by the Government based on a formula under the Automatic Pricing Mechanism introduced more than a couple of decades ago. It is under this mechanism that the complex calculation of prices is made, based on the actual cost of petrol or diesel, the operating costs, margin for dealers, margin for retail oil companies (including PETRONAS Dagangan Bhd) and the balancing number of duty or subsidy. No retail oil companies or dealers actually make money from the hike of the fuel prices. Oil companies pay for the products at market prices, but have to sell low, so the Government reimburses the difference -- thus subsidy.
Subsidy as a concept is OK as long as it benefits the really deserving segment of the population. But there has to be a limit to how much and how long the Government should bear and sustain subsidy. An environment where prices are kept artificially low indefinitely will not do anyone any good. That's why countries like Indonesia are more pro-active in removing subsidies. Even Vietnam (which is a socialist country, by the way) is selling fuel at market prices.
5) I feel I also need to say something on the allegation that PETRONAS is not transparent in terms of its accounts, business transactions etc.
PETRONAS is first and foremost a company, operating under the rules and regulations of the authorities including the Registrar of Companies, and the Securities Commission and Bursa Malaysia for its listed four subsidiaries (PETRONAS Dagangan Bhd, PETRONAS Gas Bhd, MISC Bhd and KLCC Property Holdings Bhd.
PETRONAS the holding company produces annual reports which are made to whomever wants them, and are distributed to many parties and places; including to the library at the Parliament House for perusal and reading pleasure of all Yang Berhormat MPs (if they care to read). PETRONAS also makes the annual report available on its website, for those who bother to look. The accounts are duly audited.
The website also contains a lot of useful information, if people really care to find out. Although PETRONAS is not listed on Bursa Malaysia, for all intents and purposes, it could be considered a listed entity as its bonds and financial papers are traded overseas. This requires scrutiny from investors, and from rating agencies such as Standard & Poor and Moody's.
6) The last time I checked, this is still a democratic country, where people are free to spend their money wherever they like.
For those who like to see more of the money that they spend go back to the local economy and benefiting their fellow Malaysians, perhaps they should consider sticking to local products or companies.
For those who like to see that the money they spend go back to foreign shareholders of the foreign companies overseas, they should continue buying foreign products.
I'm sorry this is rather long, but I just have to convey it. I hope this would help some of you out there understand something. The oil and gas industry, apart from being very capital intensive, is also very complex and volatile. I'm learning new things almost every single day.
June 17, 2008 8:40 PM
written by citrus_medica.
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Yg Bhg Tun,
There is and will never be "openness" in any mainstream papers or television stations in Malaysia.
If there are claims to that my only word is "bullshit".
Through experience working as a journalist during your premiership, i remember the office received a call from the number two(now), on certain news one of the staff wrote.
I myself had an experience whereby my write up on the opposition had to be edited until it doesnt really capture the real picture.
How can there be freedom of writing in the mainstream media Malaysia when whatever written by the journalist which does not favour the person or government, the editor will for sure to receive this "death call" from the top brass.
In my own personal opinion, local journalist, and to be specific mainstream media and television are bunch of "tape recorders".This includes the editors and chief.But what can you expect of them when they have to suck up to the government unwritten dictation.
There wasn't any freedom and there shall not be one, in almost everything i supposed. Even to do quiet demonstration. It is seriuosly an amusement that a permit is needed prior to any group intentions to conduct some quiet gathering to show protest to any of the government's issues.
I wonder whether the Greenpeace people request for permits every time.It is getting more upsetting to read and watch the news nowadays.
All the good about everything.This is a total sweeping under the carpet by this pretentious government.Thank God that is an alternatives such as blog. Nevertheless there would also be loads of anonymous, still feeling scared to come out of the dark and truly express themselves.
There is and will never be "openness" in any mainstream papers or television stations in Malaysia.
If there are claims to that my only word is "bullshit".
Through experience working as a journalist during your premiership, i remember the office received a call from the number two(now), on certain news one of the staff wrote.
I myself had an experience whereby my write up on the opposition had to be edited until it doesnt really capture the real picture.
How can there be freedom of writing in the mainstream media Malaysia when whatever written by the journalist which does not favour the person or government, the editor will for sure to receive this "death call" from the top brass.
In my own personal opinion, local journalist, and to be specific mainstream media and television are bunch of "tape recorders".This includes the editors and chief.But what can you expect of them when they have to suck up to the government unwritten dictation.
There wasn't any freedom and there shall not be one, in almost everything i supposed. Even to do quiet demonstration. It is seriuosly an amusement that a permit is needed prior to any group intentions to conduct some quiet gathering to show protest to any of the government's issues.
I wonder whether the Greenpeace people request for permits every time.It is getting more upsetting to read and watch the news nowadays.
All the good about everything.This is a total sweeping under the carpet by this pretentious government.Thank God that is an alternatives such as blog. Nevertheless there would also be loads of anonymous, still feeling scared to come out of the dark and truly express themselves.
Sunday, 15 June 2008

Every one of us will somehow come to a crossroads in life.
It is a point where we will have to decide on things that matters to us such as relationships, family, work and even our spiritual stands.
This will come in a normal person's life maybe once, twice or three times.
Perhaps it is similar to the westerners "midlife crisis" yet less distinctive type.
I have been there too. Twice.
Nevertheless, i cannot foretell should there be any or none in the future. Hopefully not because it wont do good especially to the emotional zone of oneself.
The first one was quite simple and it happened when i was in my early 20s. More of work related, between a well paid one or one which didn't pays well but can offer a larger platform and future in some money making department.
I opted for the latter. I did okay i guess, but that's a long story to tell. The second was a more spiritual moves. That was quite a big decision and happened when i was in my just entering thirty.
It includes deleting acquaintances, and right up to self seclusion.
I still remember those couple of years. It was quite trying but at the end of the day i found my inner self. Maybe not 100 percent but i managed to put a start on it and a stop button on the other.
And i guess everyone of us must have the power of strong will to push that life related button. Once, twice or even three time in our lifetime.
As a child, we were always being reminded to respect others, be it our peers, our older siblings and especially our elders.
Raised in a Malay family, my siblings and me have been thought on desirable behaviour when we were outside of the house, at functions and gatherings or while in public.
I remember, one good example of the Malay fine custom.
It is the way the younger one walk in the presence of their elders.
It is expected that whenever you walk passing by an elderly person or a group of elderly people in your own home or in some gatherings(in a malay house, when there's special occasions or perhaps just a thanks giving ceremony, people are often seated down on carpets), we have to slightly bend our body,and walk modestly.
There shouldn't be any running about in front of the elders.
We are also thought to be restricted with our opinion or i would say "complaints' whenever something that is not up to our pleasure cropped up.
I remember one incident when i was about eight or nine years old.
My parents took me and my sister to a wedding ceremony in one relatives house.
Due to all the long winded process, the lunch started quite late and i got very hungry.
Once they are done, all guests started to eat. As most children favourite, fried chicken wasn't there. It was not in the menu thus my mother ask me to eat what ever been given.
Without any reservation, i loudly proclaim one of the dish as "tak sedap" (ie not nice).
My mom immediately gave me one good secret pinch and the mark stays on for a couple of days.
That, is one of the way to teach the children to behave; verbally or physically.
Somehow, as time goes by, most these attributes no longer takes helm in some of Malay families now. They are more free and open. For instant, the walking with slightly bending your body in front of the elders.
Most of the children nowadays are not thought these good value.
I find it very unpleasant and disturbing when you're having a conversation with several people in a social gathering, some of the kids will be running up your face screaming and ignoring request for them to settle down. The most interesting part is the parent(s) would not even bothered to intervene or stop them from being such a hooligans.
On the other hand, the custom to remain quiet, not to interject when adults are talking among themselves and to be more subtle and not to voice ones dissatisfaction are still quite strong in most of the Malay families.
It is due to several reasons;
1) It isn't nice to tell people of their shortcoming
2) It is quite disrespectful to complaint about something that someone has put some effort in doing so
3)It is better to just accept than criticize people, hoping that they would sooner or later realise their mistakes especially when it comes to an elderly person
There are in fact few saying on this practice.
One of them is "satu jari menunding kesalahan orang, empat jari menunding diri sendiri" (or similiar to that).
The meaning is; If you point at one person's weakness or mistakes(hypothetically speaking with your index finger) you are infact actually pointing the weakness of yourself (the other four fingers is pointing back at you so to say).
I, on the other hand, find this quite insignificant.
I don't hold responsible to the person(s) who came out with this phrases, but it is, already the custom of the Malays, or perhaps majority of Asian that respecting someone who is older than you is something desirable in nature.
I personally have come across few instances, whereby i am advised to not be too vocal on certain matters, or i just have to keep silence on instances that requires me to point out my dissatisfaction during business negotiations.
This is a dilemma.
It should be dealt with accordingly.
Again, i am not saying that in every circumstances, one should be hypocritical or too opinionated, but just to be at least able to voice one own personal opinion and the listener should take to it gracefully.
It is perturbing to see that an elderly person, or bosses, and even leaders of a country cannot accept other people suggestion or opinion just because of superiority, or age factor.
Hence, despite all good about some customs of some races, one should always remind the younger generations on respecting peers and someone elder should also come with responsibility to acknowledge and be willing to correct the incorrect.
Raised in a Malay family, my siblings and me have been thought on desirable behaviour when we were outside of the house, at functions and gatherings or while in public.
I remember, one good example of the Malay fine custom.
It is the way the younger one walk in the presence of their elders.
It is expected that whenever you walk passing by an elderly person or a group of elderly people in your own home or in some gatherings(in a malay house, when there's special occasions or perhaps just a thanks giving ceremony, people are often seated down on carpets), we have to slightly bend our body,and walk modestly.
There shouldn't be any running about in front of the elders.
We are also thought to be restricted with our opinion or i would say "complaints' whenever something that is not up to our pleasure cropped up.
I remember one incident when i was about eight or nine years old.
My parents took me and my sister to a wedding ceremony in one relatives house.
Due to all the long winded process, the lunch started quite late and i got very hungry.
Once they are done, all guests started to eat. As most children favourite, fried chicken wasn't there. It was not in the menu thus my mother ask me to eat what ever been given.
Without any reservation, i loudly proclaim one of the dish as "tak sedap" (ie not nice).
My mom immediately gave me one good secret pinch and the mark stays on for a couple of days.
That, is one of the way to teach the children to behave; verbally or physically.
Somehow, as time goes by, most these attributes no longer takes helm in some of Malay families now. They are more free and open. For instant, the walking with slightly bending your body in front of the elders.
Most of the children nowadays are not thought these good value.
I find it very unpleasant and disturbing when you're having a conversation with several people in a social gathering, some of the kids will be running up your face screaming and ignoring request for them to settle down. The most interesting part is the parent(s) would not even bothered to intervene or stop them from being such a hooligans.
On the other hand, the custom to remain quiet, not to interject when adults are talking among themselves and to be more subtle and not to voice ones dissatisfaction are still quite strong in most of the Malay families.
It is due to several reasons;
1) It isn't nice to tell people of their shortcoming
2) It is quite disrespectful to complaint about something that someone has put some effort in doing so
3)It is better to just accept than criticize people, hoping that they would sooner or later realise their mistakes especially when it comes to an elderly person
There are in fact few saying on this practice.
One of them is "satu jari menunding kesalahan orang, empat jari menunding diri sendiri" (or similiar to that).
The meaning is; If you point at one person's weakness or mistakes(hypothetically speaking with your index finger) you are infact actually pointing the weakness of yourself (the other four fingers is pointing back at you so to say).
I, on the other hand, find this quite insignificant.
I don't hold responsible to the person(s) who came out with this phrases, but it is, already the custom of the Malays, or perhaps majority of Asian that respecting someone who is older than you is something desirable in nature.
I personally have come across few instances, whereby i am advised to not be too vocal on certain matters, or i just have to keep silence on instances that requires me to point out my dissatisfaction during business negotiations.
This is a dilemma.
It should be dealt with accordingly.
Again, i am not saying that in every circumstances, one should be hypocritical or too opinionated, but just to be at least able to voice one own personal opinion and the listener should take to it gracefully.
It is perturbing to see that an elderly person, or bosses, and even leaders of a country cannot accept other people suggestion or opinion just because of superiority, or age factor.
Hence, despite all good about some customs of some races, one should always remind the younger generations on respecting peers and someone elder should also come with responsibility to acknowledge and be willing to correct the incorrect.
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Brains : Comparative Neuroanatomy and Intelligence
I don't really know what is the link between bird and the brain.
The only conclusion that i can make out of the saying is, bird is a creature with small head, thus making them having small brain.
For example birds like swallow, robins and tweety bird. But mind you, tweety is quite brainy because she can always get away from the naughty cat.
Somehow, i pity all the birds families. Because of one tiny bird with slow-mo brain, human, being ever judgemental as they are, came out and suggest that birds are all stupid. Nevertheless, i dont really know whether is it really the size of the brain that makes one smart or otherwise.
Brains on the Web: Comparative Neuroanatomy and Intelligence
The only conclusion that i can make out of the saying is, bird is a creature with small head, thus making them having small brain.
For example birds like swallow, robins and tweety bird. But mind you, tweety is quite brainy because she can always get away from the naughty cat.
Somehow, i pity all the birds families. Because of one tiny bird with slow-mo brain, human, being ever judgemental as they are, came out and suggest that birds are all stupid. Nevertheless, i dont really know whether is it really the size of the brain that makes one smart or otherwise.
Brains on the Web: Comparative Neuroanatomy and Intelligence
Monday, 9 June 2008
Govt on Several of their Mechanisms.
I guess any government will always come out with reassuring(so they thought) statement to their home people whenever something bad struck their country.
These statements meant to let the people know that the government is doing their best and most of the time making sure that the news would always be beautiful and nice to the ears.
I somehow, call this sweeping it under the carpet.
The same action that the government of Abdullah Badawi is doing right now.
They would never rectify the matter but keep on telling the people that their actions are the best and always right.
They thought the people of this country are still the oblivious lot, who doesn't know the actual predicament that the government is facing.
They never thought that word of mouth travels faster than his decision on the recent petrol hike.
People have more opportunity to know about things locally and globally thru the world wide web. People doesn't just read the mainstream media to receive information. As most of the people know, the mainstream media is and will always be under the scrutiny of the government.
Whatever news that doesn't favour them, they will instruct the editor to not publish the story.
Nevertheless, it still amazes me how in the world all these ass-kissing menteris can come out with contradicting and funny statements.
Sad to say that the statement sometime came out of their ass, when they go to shit in the morning, because one with brain would never, ever come out with such statements.
The most famous statement is "Change lifestyle", "Eat less sugar", and so on.
It is my guess too, that they actually forgot to bring along their brain, which they left near the toilet bowl, on the soap dish, before going out of their home to the office.
The below excerpt is also funny, because during those time , we have someone who is really a leader instead of a follower.
"Nor Mohamed said the country had braved through economic slowdowns in 1969, 1974 and 1986, and financial crisis in 1997 with the help of all quarters."
Don't they realise that most of all the "quarters" now had turned their backside on the government already?
Govt Working On Several Mechanisms To Offset Fuel Price Hike ::
These statements meant to let the people know that the government is doing their best and most of the time making sure that the news would always be beautiful and nice to the ears.
I somehow, call this sweeping it under the carpet.
The same action that the government of Abdullah Badawi is doing right now.
They would never rectify the matter but keep on telling the people that their actions are the best and always right.
They thought the people of this country are still the oblivious lot, who doesn't know the actual predicament that the government is facing.
They never thought that word of mouth travels faster than his decision on the recent petrol hike.
People have more opportunity to know about things locally and globally thru the world wide web. People doesn't just read the mainstream media to receive information. As most of the people know, the mainstream media is and will always be under the scrutiny of the government.
Whatever news that doesn't favour them, they will instruct the editor to not publish the story.
Nevertheless, it still amazes me how in the world all these ass-kissing menteris can come out with contradicting and funny statements.
Sad to say that the statement sometime came out of their ass, when they go to shit in the morning, because one with brain would never, ever come out with such statements.
The most famous statement is "Change lifestyle", "Eat less sugar", and so on.
It is my guess too, that they actually forgot to bring along their brain, which they left near the toilet bowl, on the soap dish, before going out of their home to the office.
The below excerpt is also funny, because during those time , we have someone who is really a leader instead of a follower.
"Nor Mohamed said the country had braved through economic slowdowns in 1969, 1974 and 1986, and financial crisis in 1997 with the help of all quarters."
Don't they realise that most of all the "quarters" now had turned their backside on the government already?
Govt Working On Several Mechanisms To Offset Fuel Price Hike ::
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Oil and Oil again....
Singapore : RM 5.00
Thailand : RM 4.00
(the two countries that Malaysia government have been comparing when it comes to price hike of consumer goods and always; oil)
UAE– RM1.19/litre
Eygpt– RM1.03/litre
Bahrain– RM0.87/litre
Qatar– RM0.68/litre
Kuwait– RM0.67/litre
Saudi Arabia– RM0.38/litre
Iran– RM0.35/litre
Nigeria– RM0.32/litre
Turkmenistan– RM0.25/litre
Venezuela– RM0.16/litre
MALAYSIA– RM2.70/litre"
Some might have an opinion that oil subsidy should be taken away from Malaysian, in order for them to be independent and learning in advance because the black gold won't be available forever.
I somewhat agree to this opinion, but, it has to be done accordingly.
Not by the way the current government is doing right now.
It can be done when;
1)the government upgraded the transport system; quality,on time and frequent bus services,
KTM Komuter (which will definitely breakdown during rainy season), LRT in Klang Valley
connecting to nearest town where people commute to work such as Seremban and Air Keroh,Melaka.
Connecting LRT among main residential area such as Subang Jaya, USJ, Shah Alam and Klang
with frequent services and extended hours.
2)Stop collecting toll for those concessionaire whom has reached the matured term of agreement
or reduce the rates especially for the Klang Valley interlinks.
3) Income tax percentage should be revised to assist the people and not burdened. Taxes for cigarettes, liquor and gambling should be increased.
4) Stop trying to make a mark by creating unnecessary major development. Malaysia has
got enough already and it will be never ending if he is trying to compete with the world.
5) Channeling funds for R&D for alternative fuels and energy. Energy Saving companies (ESCO)
should be given the opportunity to perform without having to go thru government officials mental-block and by educating the mass at large.
Im sure there would be more ways to help reduce the lower and middle income rakyat.
Its either the government want to do or otherwise.
Thailand : RM 4.00
(the two countries that Malaysia government have been comparing when it comes to price hike of consumer goods and always; oil)
UAE– RM1.19/litre
Eygpt– RM1.03/litre
Bahrain– RM0.87/litre
Qatar– RM0.68/litre
Kuwait– RM0.67/litre
Saudi Arabia– RM0.38/litre
Iran– RM0.35/litre
Nigeria– RM0.32/litre
Turkmenistan– RM0.25/litre
Venezuela– RM0.16/litre
MALAYSIA– RM2.70/litre"
Some might have an opinion that oil subsidy should be taken away from Malaysian, in order for them to be independent and learning in advance because the black gold won't be available forever.
I somewhat agree to this opinion, but, it has to be done accordingly.
Not by the way the current government is doing right now.
It can be done when;
1)the government upgraded the transport system; quality,on time and frequent bus services,
KTM Komuter (which will definitely breakdown during rainy season), LRT in Klang Valley
connecting to nearest town where people commute to work such as Seremban and Air Keroh,Melaka.
Connecting LRT among main residential area such as Subang Jaya, USJ, Shah Alam and Klang
with frequent services and extended hours.
2)Stop collecting toll for those concessionaire whom has reached the matured term of agreement
or reduce the rates especially for the Klang Valley interlinks.
3) Income tax percentage should be revised to assist the people and not burdened. Taxes for cigarettes, liquor and gambling should be increased.
4) Stop trying to make a mark by creating unnecessary major development. Malaysia has
got enough already and it will be never ending if he is trying to compete with the world.
5) Channeling funds for R&D for alternative fuels and energy. Energy Saving companies (ESCO)
should be given the opportunity to perform without having to go thru government officials mental-block and by educating the mass at large.
Im sure there would be more ways to help reduce the lower and middle income rakyat.
Its either the government want to do or otherwise.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad: Oil Price
Salam Yg Bhg Tun,
Yes we are heading to a deeper inflation zone and all these are beyond the control of the current government. This is mere domino effect and it is felt globally, and we can't run away from it.
What saddened and incite our hatred is the sudden increase of petrol price and its quantum. We the rakyat felt cheated by this FLIP-FLOP prime minister.
Why in the first place he open up his mouth and told us there won't be an increase, or that soon (which we all know it is just another rotten tactics to buy oblivious voters votes).
To add salt to wound, he agreed to TNB's increase of tariff, and this is done second time during his tenure of 6 years.
You might not feel the pinch as much as the majority meagre income earner. The rakyat whom take home around rm2000 or less.
Families with only one sole breadwinner.
Families with more than three kids to raised.
Families who lives and work in the Klang Valley especially.
The government's move to burden the rakyat with this incredible increase is absolutely ridiculous and done without taking into consideration the socioeconomic point of view.
The rakyat will be continually oppressed.
Yes we are heading to a deeper inflation zone and all these are beyond the control of the current government. This is mere domino effect and it is felt globally, and we can't run away from it.
What saddened and incite our hatred is the sudden increase of petrol price and its quantum. We the rakyat felt cheated by this FLIP-FLOP prime minister.
Why in the first place he open up his mouth and told us there won't be an increase, or that soon (which we all know it is just another rotten tactics to buy oblivious voters votes).
To add salt to wound, he agreed to TNB's increase of tariff, and this is done second time during his tenure of 6 years.
You might not feel the pinch as much as the majority meagre income earner. The rakyat whom take home around rm2000 or less.
Families with only one sole breadwinner.
Families with more than three kids to raised.
Families who lives and work in the Klang Valley especially.
The government's move to burden the rakyat with this incredible increase is absolutely ridiculous and done without taking into consideration the socioeconomic point of view.
The rakyat will be continually oppressed.
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Laman Web Rasmi Pejabat Perdana Menteri Malaysia|Official Website of Prime Minister's Office of Malaysia
This oil price issue have been shadowing us and it became a nightmare with the current government's bullshits and reasoning. Every freaking price went up but our GDP still sucks.
But again, why should the PM, policy makers, MPs and politicians and their cronies should feel the pinch on the price hike. They are taking home more than 30K a month and that does not include their kickback monies, allowances here and there, companies generating money via their proxies.
I once again, would like to express my desire to be either BN,PKR,DAP whatnot politician, so i can sit down and relax and get money coming in to my local and international bank accounts.
Don't bullshit me if you bugger politician esp from the new ruling government (the 5 states) saying you guys will be for the rakyat.
Go and kiss my mother's ass if you really are fight for us rakyat.
So the ordinary rakyat can continued to be "di peras ugut "and "di kerah" to pay toll here and there to get to office, pay high price for our rice (sorry bro, i can't eat less rice and pls DON'T COME OUT WITH STATEMENT ASKING ME TO EAT PASTA ), pay high electricity, and almost every goddamn thing.
I would like, should i have the opportunity to bump into Abdullah, ask him, is this one of his cynical attack to the people because his lost of five states to the opposition, and because he knows his tenure won't be that long anymore and because he is migrating to his second homeland soon?
I bet you it should be one of the above...
Laman Web Rasmi Pejabat Perdana Menteri MalaysiaOfficial Website of Prime Minister's Office of Malaysia
But again, why should the PM, policy makers, MPs and politicians and their cronies should feel the pinch on the price hike. They are taking home more than 30K a month and that does not include their kickback monies, allowances here and there, companies generating money via their proxies.
I once again, would like to express my desire to be either BN,PKR,DAP whatnot politician, so i can sit down and relax and get money coming in to my local and international bank accounts.
Don't bullshit me if you bugger politician esp from the new ruling government (the 5 states) saying you guys will be for the rakyat.
Go and kiss my mother's ass if you really are fight for us rakyat.
So the ordinary rakyat can continued to be "di peras ugut "and "di kerah" to pay toll here and there to get to office, pay high price for our rice (sorry bro, i can't eat less rice and pls DON'T COME OUT WITH STATEMENT ASKING ME TO EAT PASTA ), pay high electricity, and almost every goddamn thing.
I would like, should i have the opportunity to bump into Abdullah, ask him, is this one of his cynical attack to the people because his lost of five states to the opposition, and because he knows his tenure won't be that long anymore and because he is migrating to his second homeland soon?
I bet you it should be one of the above...
Laman Web Rasmi Pejabat Perdana Menteri MalaysiaOfficial Website of Prime Minister's Office of Malaysia
Sunday, 1 June 2008
Aura - Learn to see your Aura image with your own eyes
Something that has been one of my interest.
I know one guy that have been appearing in the local tv giving some sort of ideas and explanation on how to know or read your aura.
And it seems that he is also a cook.
That is quite funny, i think.
And to add to that tickle, he will demonstrate and cook his recipes using certain ingredients with combinations of colours; for example, he will combine winter squash, and broccoli, and capsicum, to create three different colours into the dish.
According to him, by eating combined coloured foods, one will be able to improve the aura of the day....
Seriously, i think that is quite a joke and perhaps he is mocking the actual fact of aura definitions.
Something that has been one of my interest.
I know one guy that have been appearing in the local tv giving some sort of ideas and explanation on how to know or read your aura.
And it seems that he is also a cook.
That is quite funny, i think.
And to add to that tickle, he will demonstrate and cook his recipes using certain ingredients with combinations of colours; for example, he will combine winter squash, and broccoli, and capsicum, to create three different colours into the dish.
According to him, by eating combined coloured foods, one will be able to improve the aura of the day....
Seriously, i think that is quite a joke and perhaps he is mocking the actual fact of aura definitions.
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