Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at December 30, 2008 4:18 PM
1. The world seem to be condemning Israel for the inhuman attack against Gaza. But as usual the world does nothing. Why not? Because Israel is backed by the United States of America.
2. The world should also condemn the United States. The planes and the bombs are all made in America. If they are lost the US will replace them. And the US will finance Israel so as to continue its bestiality.
3. For as long as the US backs Israel, we will continue to see Israel ignoring world opinion as it murders the Palestinians Arabs, and destroys their towns and cities.
4. When I said Israel rules the world by proxy, the American media and Government condemned me. But it is a fact that only those candidates approved by Israel can win elections in America. So much for democracy in the United States. Lets see the stand of the United States' new President.
5. Incidentally we should also realise that we are, in a small way, helping Israel. Israeli persimmons (pisang kaki) are sold in supermarkets in Kuala Lumpur.
6. Singapore is Israel's channel to penetrate the Malaysian market.
Dear Yg Bhg Tun,
The world only dares to condemn but what can be done when the ROBOCOP of the world is controlling every damn body that supposedly to be on the neutral side.
The only start to ending the monopolisation of the Jewish world is for all the Arabs countries especially the oil-rich ones start compromising and working hand in hand to fight this criminals. But, again, do you posibbly think that they're going to jeopardise being attack by the ROBOCOP and its world police and have their countries torn apart?
Hmmm...about the persimmons; i love eating them and knows they are imported from the New Zealand. I do not know some of them (that you stumbled upon) came from Israel.
And how do they get in the country by the way?
Monday, 29 December 2008
An Ox and the Master
I wonder whether his prediction was based on the Ox per se?
An Ox(or a Bull) is also a term used in the stock market to reflex positive movement in the bourse. Perhaps it was that which brought forth his next year's prediction. I don't really know however; and can't actually comment much because it is not my field.
According to the consultant, the year 2009 will be a terrestrial bull year and in an Asian country such as Malaysia(due to the strong Chinese influence) whenever the time has come to the start of a new year, be it the Gregorian calendar or the Lunar New Year, the sale of Feng Shui's and astrology's book would be evident.
According to one consultant, the year would get off to a positive start which will be bringing hope in global economic crisis. However, he is also clever to state that the respite would be brief. Probably he knows no prediction can beat the surprises an economic turmoil can do and have in store for us the majority.
I have to admit that I am amaze at how these Feng Shui's consultant work.
They form their opinion by gathering information over the years, guided by one ancient book as a guideline and base to their prediction and later compiled and it sells like hot cakes.
There are a few that make millions by giving talks and advices, publishing books on the twelve months signs, and loads of other things. There was one lady in Malaysia during the early 2000, Mdm Lillian Too.
She was one overrated Feng Shui's consultant and due to that I was moved to purchased one of her book. Well, not as i expected somehow. Same old same old. Perhaps the difference was only the way she elaborated her predictions and explained the environment which was more precise than the rest.
Nevertheless, one would never be on top forever.
Over time one young guy emerged and began to get into the limelight of the local Feng Shui's community.
Let me also tell you here that one more advice given by the I-ching master is that the people should take heed that the weather in Malaysia will be on the wet side throughout the next year, hence there will be heavy rain and floods and that "people should be more cautious over water-related diseases like dengue and chikungunya”.
Hmmmm....Doesn't it speak for itself?
Mind you that the Indians are also big on astrology, even bigger than the Chinese, infact.
The only thing that made the latter more influential was because of the exposure they received and they commercialised it well.
What make me say this?
Well, first of all, even to get married, both man and woman must be astrologically compatible.
Almost every figure and moment are calculated well accordingly before any decision were to be made.
Even in choosing baby's name; one has to go take into consideration the day and time and month of the child's birth.
What makes me tickle a bit was one consultant's advise that those people with serious illnesses to be careful of next year as it is going to be bad year for health adding that they could wear gold or yellow sapphire to attract good fortune...(not attracting jobless bad guys, i hope...wink ..wink)
And also, it looks like there would be some furnitures in the house and office shall be moved around to the right direction again this time around....what about the paint, then?
Another year would pass by. Again.
And life still goes on, with or without one's objective being accomplished or otherwise. With all the year end rush everwhere, my one must item for new year shopping would be of course, a personal planner, family planner and very creative and nice to look at calendar (besides it's actual purpose one need to feed the eyes too).
While having quitting writing a journal since few years back, which help reduces my exasperation looking for beautifully coloured and covered non-dated lined diary, it has never been that easy browsing through all the bookshops in this town in search for a decent family planner.
Looking at the near non-existence of it, I came to a conclusion that people from this part of the globe just don't write journal hence there is no demand for it and leaving people like me having to go through all the bookshops for such item every year end.
For as long as I can remember, I know I started to write my first journal seriously when I was 12 years old; that is because that particular diary is still in my possession.
It is 4x6, green coloured background with faded picture of one young girl with an umbrella sitting down on a bench looking afar. Its interior is light green lined non-dated book.
I got it from a stationary at one Japanese mall somewhere along Old Klang Road in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The name of that mall is Kimisawa!
Can't believe I can still remember the name of that shopping mall though.
I know that was the first Japanese mall in Malaysia before Yaohan and Jusco came to the country.
Well you see; the above has just conform my believe that keeping a journal dedicatedly would do good for your brain and help you remember well.
When I was still a free soul, it used to be my rituals to open up the box where i stored all my journals and browse thru it every year the night before my birthday and when the year is coming to an end. I will first open the page of my birthday, read what i did that very year and how was my feeling then.
Reading what I wrote when I was 12 and 21 is very warm and pleasant. The way I put my words down, the way I express every other type of my feelings and thoughts about people and the surrounding. It does help a lot in improving my self especially my self esteem besides making it easier for me to rectify my weaknesses and strengths plus some aspect of my life.
Reading about me from being a very quiet and timid young girl when I was younger and how much I hated to be bullied where I later turned into a rather rebellious teenage girl. And from an independent and non-submissive young adult to a more composed person. All thanks to my journals. From which I learnt the bad and good attributes of me by being able to conduct a considerable amount of reality check on my life and the environment I'm in at any current moment.
The only consequences when depending too much on diary to "talk" to, might be, one will end up keeping too much things to one self, and finding talking to people are not sufficient enough. I recall one incident when I was asked by someone why didn't I have any best friend or friends like most people do. My reply was simple; I have and it was my diary.
The one that i can trust with my life and the one that i know won't be "telling" my thoughts to someone else......(..i must had a troubled childhood, you might think no...;-))
On the other hand, having 'compilation' of diaries of your life would be difficult too.
Lets face it, I do think about death; and quite frequent too.
Don't know why really.
Once in a blue moon, I will be thinking about that particular box and the stacks of diaries in it and what I should do with it.
Should I just 'cremated' it and be left with nothing to browse through whenever i want to; or just leave it there, and one day would bound to be open and read by my spouse or somebody else.
Which one?
Guess that will be the longest outstanding decision that I have which never seem to come to an end every year end.
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Africans problems
The Botswana government will reduce the number of students sent to study in Malaysian universities and colleges next year.
Its Education and Skills Develop-ment Minister, Jacob Nkate, said Botswana students who accounted for over 20% of the African students here had trouble acclimatising to the Malaysian culture.
He was quoted in a Botswana English daily Mmegi during a function soon after returning from a visit to Malaysia following the death of three students from the country.
Last month, two Botswana students died after falling from apartment balconies while the third died in a road accident.
It was reported that the students blamed the hostile environment they encountered in Malaysia that forced many of them to turn to alcoholism and other anti-social behaviour.There are more than ,7000 African students here and of that number, 1,635 are from Botswana.
Nkate said some of the students had been given too much liberty by the local institutions.
He added that universities and colleges should not allow Botswana students to sit for examinations unless they had attended 80% of their classes.
Multimedia University (MMU) president Prof Dr Zaharin Yusoff expressed surprise at Nkate’s announcement.
“He visited MMU with his team recently and seemed happy with what we’re doing. He said that things would continue as normal.”
Prof Zaharin admitted that MMU’s requirements for those taking examinations were not very strict, but the university was willing to change the rules for Botswana students should the minister insist upon that.
UCSI University president Peter Ng welcomed the minister’s comments and said this was an opportunity to analyse the current situation.
“Local institutions and our Ministry of Higher Education should take stock of where we have failed and see this as a learning opportunity.
“The ministry should have a built-in system to help international students acclimatise socially, such as arranging host families to look after them,” Ng said.
Sunway University College (SUC) executive director Elizabeth Lee gave the assurance that SUC paid “special attention” to Botswana students, such as arranging additional mathematics classes for them.
hmmm......i wonder what kind of 'hostile' environment those people are talking about that 'forced' their students to alcoholism and other anti-social behaviour. So, people had accidents. People die. So, one should blame it on the environment and not the driver even if the driver was reckless?
I tried not to be judgemental about this story, but i know a lot of people will agree with me that these African students (which ever part of Africa they might come from), are the one that will create some sort of trouble where ever they might be located.
I had once lived in an area near to a private college where one can see numbers of black students. And undoubtedly, they are of quite an 'aggressive ' lot and portray no respect to the locals unlike students from another Asian country such as Indonesia.
Hostile environment are non other than they creating it themselves. Involving in alcoholism and being anti-social; they are the one who chose to take that path.
The Malaysian government should not fret (although the private college would) about this matter at all. Failing to attract them to come in to study in Malaysia would have more positive than negative impact on the social environment of the country. Of course some of them really want to study here but some just come in via student visa and later would be illegally working selling items such as fake watches, small leather-ware item and other stuff.
Perhaps, indirectly, the Botswana's government decision to reduce the outgoing students to Malaysia would have its own significance.
Monday, 22 December 2008
Get real Malaysian women!!
JOHOR BARU: They choose their victims via Internet social networking sites and pretend to be cyber casanovas who start showering their victims with virtual gifts such as flowers, jewellery, plants, pets and even cars.
They then exchange photographs and virtual love letters for some time before the casanovas, usually claiming to be rich hunks from Britain and the Middle East, tell their victims they want to get them a real gift as a way of expressing their commitment.
They promise to send cash of between £1,000 (RM5,200) and £2mil (RM10.4mil) for the women to go on a shopping spree.
The only catch is that the women would have to bank in a substantial amount of money, supposedly into the account of a local forwarding company, as processing fee for the parcel containing the cash to be sent to Malaysia.
The forwarding company may even ask for a few payments, citing all sorts of difficulties in getting the package through.
When the woman begins to feel suspicious and questions her “boyfriend,” the e-mail stops.
Police say many women around the country, some holding respectable jobs like doctors and managers, have been victims of such scams. Thousands of ringgit is believed to have been lost.
One example is a case in Johor where a human resource manager in her 30s lost more than RM30,000.
She befriended a person, claiming to be from Britain, via a social networking site about a month ago.
They exchanged messages regularly and the man told her he wanted to send her £50,000 (RM261,000) for her to go on a shopping spree.
The next day, the woman got a call from a person, claiming to be from a forwarding company, saying she needed to bank in RM4,000 for the parcel to be delivered.
They continued to ask her for money – totalling RM30,000 – over a few days, giving various excuses including exchange rate and other expenses.
The woman suspected something amiss and when she questioned her boyfriend, he did not reply her e-mail.
She then lodged a police report.
Bukit Aman commercial crime investigations director Comm Datuk Koh Hong Sun confirmed there were many cases of cheating not just via the Internet but also through SMSes.
He advised people, especially women, to be careful when asked to transfer money to those they meet online.
“We are checking to see whether local syndicates are working with overseas ones,” he said.--Nelson Benjamin Staronline.
This is funny.
I don't really know whether is it true that these virtual casanovas really got their way to con Malaysian women with "respectable job" such as doctors and managers via internet social networking sites.
If so, i must say that these women are a totally desperados.
How on earth would any level minded person got con via the internet?
With all the on going stories of black monies and such. And i remember there was even a case also initiated via the internet was heard in the high court sometime last last year or so.
And, please, any women who is reading this, just stop having the ideas that any Mat Salleh (white people) or Arabs are millionaires or rich. Not most of them that you see on the street or internet.
They are not really.
Even if they are, they wont be checking you women out via the internet.
They can afford to travel or have their dreamed women sent to them for a weekend round...duhhh....
Perhaps Malaysia women are of the desperados type and gullible.
Perhaps the common Malaysian man cannot provide the luxury they desires.
Perhaps, they thought being held by a Mat Salleh or Arabs man would be the most wonderous thing a woman would ever experience and it all shadowed their judgement.
No ladies.
The Mat Salleh that come to your country to work; most of them are arse who cannot find better job in their own country and knows that the Asian people would kiss their ass for all the mediocre ideas they sell and the women would give themselves freely to them with just one drink.
The one on the internet; they are worst!
The Arabs? Until now I have never heard any good comments about them. Even got one in the family.Fin.
And how on earth can any working-brained women would fall for that trick; sending money as "real gift as a way of expressing their commitment"?. And people, it is not small amount here. It is like between £1,000 (RM5,200) and £2mil (RM10.4mil) for the women to go on a shopping spree. Huh?
Would your boyfriend or even husband (lest he is Sultan of Brunei family members) "donated" to you that kind of amount for shopping?
Get real women.
Guess, there's nothing to be surprise about this kind of stories anyway.
It's the same thing that those Malaysian women, claimed to fall prey when they were caught carrying "i-do- not- know" thing for their overseas trip; alone, whom were caught at the other end's immigration and found carrying dope.
Personally, i do not pity these girls at all; i remember one is still in a prison in Malta, and one more in Japan or China. There was more than twelve similar cases so far; if my memory still serves me well.Honestly, i think they know what they're up too....
They thought they wont be caught as a first timer.
Even if they honestly don't know, don't they have any hunch at all?
One lucrative work offers that is too good to be true? One that even with similar position back home could not offer as much? And the best part of it was they are a willing victim when without suspicion they agree to be use by their lovey boyfriend to do things that will have them ended up in bars; and lovey bf, free as he can be...searching another target.
I just can't get it....
It is always the money....the one thing that will blind even the most righteous person.Sunday, 21 December 2008
KUALA LUMPUR: The police have sought the assistance of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to catch the notorious Kampung Baru molester, who is believed to be connected to the murder of Nurin Jazimin, eight, and the abduction of Sharlinie Mohd Nashar, five.
Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan said the FBI’s expertise could help find new leads on the cases.
“Among some of the avenues being explored are using special forensics methods to identify the licence-plate number of the motorcycle by enhancing the CCTV footage,” he said.
The CCTV footage reportedly showed a man getting off a motorcycle and walking with a sports bag into a building in PJS 1/48 in Petaling Jaya Utama, where the body of Nurin was found in September last year.
Musa was speaking at a press conference Sunday at a cultural awareness campaign held by the Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage Ministry at Pusat Latihan Polis at Jalan Semarak, here.
The Kampung Baru molester is believed to have resurfaced after being inactive for almost a year.
On Dec 13, nine-year-old Shaza Niera Azreena Saidon of Kampung Selayang Baru went missing for three hours.
Her description of her abductor bore a startling resemblance to the photofit released by police early this year of the man suspected to have abducted Sharlinie, who has yet to be found, and Nurin.
Do they really need FBI to do that? Gosh.....perhaps indirectly admitting their incapability.
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Cairo oh Cairo
Time and time again, i will definitely be filled with the same feeling; an amazement towards their driving skills; man and women alike, their disregards towards tourist or non-Egyptians; perhaps they had too many of them ever since, their overly crowded and dirty capital (Cairo) and Giza areas, their inflation rates and so much more.
Nevertheless, those things will never beat my endless admiration to what the country had to offer in terms of historical artifacts and all the stories behind them.
A three star hotel in the centre of Giza will be displaying their walk-in tariff at an exorbitant USD200 per room when it was only USD50 per person for a room in new 5 star hotel in 6th October city. The prices of some of these hotels keep on increasing but their services are hopeless. With deficiency in English; it made it difficult for foreigner to obtain certain information or ask for hotel related services.
I was told that the hotel prices and other things are getting more expensive in Cairo compared to maybe a year ago. And besides that, if you don't look Egyptian, be prepared to be slashed by the taxi drivers and all tourist area retailers. To avoid paying anything with an added 60 percent on prices of items that you buy especially in the souk area Khan El-Khalili, make sure you don't do eye contact, or just ignore them if you must.
However, should you be interested to purchase, and know it cost less than what they told you; bargain hard, as hard as how they pushed you into purchasing it.
My significant half was furious when he was charged in a USD for few T-shirt when the items was already in his hands and he was about to pay, whilst initially during negotiation he asked the seller a couple of time and told that the prices would it be in Egyptian pound.
He dare not provoked the seller much after an attempt to pay in Egyptian pound was declined by the persistence and hard selling chap. Because of my husband's nice and non-confrontational nature we walked away paying a rather expensive price for round neck shirts.
It was his first experience in this country, so be it. One should learn from experiences. And tricks and tactics these Egyptians will use to get what they want.

One funny incident i came across at a stall in the Citadel area near the Alabaster Mosque when we stop to get something for little Leeyah. We took two bars of small Cadbury chocolate and asked for the price; the man said 6 pound, then i saw one even smaller bar and took it, but when we wanted to pay, it became 15 pound! And the funny bit was when one Chinese/Korean chap looked at me in bemusement after the man told him he gotta pay 10 pound for one cone ice-cream and this chap asked me is it really 10 pound. I told him, if he really need it, pay for it otherwise ditch it back in the fridge.
Amazingly these people (the locals) would not feel bad overcharging tourist and especially those Arabs from the GCC countries. And through conversation with one local guy, it is confirm that these two cannot get along. The Egyptian will say they're snobbish, and the Arabs will call them cheapskate.
Despite my advise to their so-called 'help you take photos', my husband was once again being cornered to paying a man, sitting down with his camel for rides but actually his actual job description was sitting down smoking while waiting for tourist 'brought' over to him by his alliances for photo shoots. At first it seems he was just doing a favour but when he refused to let go of the camera and keep on asking to post near this and that, i realised this was a trap but we're too deep to escape by then.
The bad thing about these people was, they wont hesitate to ask for more when you pay what you think would be enough, and they can ask you later, "are you happy my brother", "I'm happy when you're happy"..... after putting bits and pieces, we worked out that he actually had some 'agreement' with our horse-carriage driver...duuhhhh......
One should compile and write a guidebook on tricks and tactics used by some Egyptians towards gullible tourist.
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Actually sometime ago i was invited by a friend via email to view her profile and later perhaps i might want to join the facebook community. Of course this kind of thing doesn't attract my attention that much. Moreover, having had my hands full with works commitment and other obligations i deleted the message without even opening it.
Now, a couple of years later, after receiving few invitations from different people to view their profile on facebook, it finally got me interested to know why these people were so on this facebook thing.
Moreover being in the opposite lifestyle than i had years ago, adding with time on my side, i viewed and later accepted the friend's request.
Tonight, and few other nights already since i joined the facebook community somewhere in October, i have to admit it; im hooked. I am spending more time browsing the facebook community than any other site and will be off to slumber only after 4am.
This is a craze i must say.
In fact i even read a write up by someone recently that Facebook finally hits the mainstream.
It seems that it has been growing steadily on a global basis, and suggests through the data that facebook adoption is deep and widespread. The writer also mentioned that surprisingly it is noted that in North America the working-age users is the fastest growing demographic, while the teen segment is growing much more slowly.
I must agree with him completely.
This facebook thing is much more interesting way of communicating.
It is a blend of conventional email, and chat room and photo sharing platform. It is more of a latte compare to black coffee.
Amazingly, this facebook will enable you to tracked down your friends or perhaps people you have lost contact with over time.
Tonight i managed to get in touch with my secondary peers which i have not been in contact for nearly twenty years.
I told myself, this is the advantage of the internet and having time in your hand.
The fact that one of the promising budding politician, advertised himself on the facebook perhaps to garnered some support from the www crowd shows that this will be a new platform of reaching out both to the people you want to connect with and to the rest of the world.
Friday, 5 December 2008
Digging Up Malaysia's Racial Past

Wednesday, 16 May 2007
A new book presents the view that 1969 race riots were instigated by ambitious Malay politicians. Now it seems the book will be banned by the government.
Thirty-eight years on, the traumatic ethnic riots of May 13, 1969 in Malaysia remain as much a subject of official censorship as the events of June 4, 1989 in China.
Now a new book by a Malaysian Chinese academic is on the point of being officially banned for suggesting that May 13 was the occasion for what amounted to a coup against the independence leader and Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman by his United Malays National Organisation colleagues who were pushing pro-Malay policies.
Officials of Malaysia’s Internal Security Ministry Tuesday confiscated 10 copies of the book from a Kuala Lumpur bookstore, advising the store not to sell it as it may be banned. According to a letter issued by ministry officials, the book is suspected of being an “undesirable publication.”
What happened on May 13 remains highly relevant to UMNO’s position as the leader of the Barisan National, the alliance of race-based parties that has ruled the country since independence 50 years ago.
“Declassified Documents on the Malaysian riots of 1969” by Dr. Kua Kia Soong, the principal of New Era College, is based not directly on Malaysian sources but on now-open British documents held at the Public Records Office in Kew Gardens, near London. These consist of contemporary British diplomatic and intelligence reports which suggest that the riots were not spontaneous acts of communal violence, as is constantly alleged by UMNO, but were fanned by Malay elements, with support from the army and police, wanting to discredit the accommodating prime minister and impose a much more rigorous Malay agenda.
One British document concluded that the goal was to “formalize Malay dominance, sideline the Chinese and shelve Tunku.”
The official Malaysian government version of events was that the riots were sparked by opposition parties “infiltrated by communist insurgents” following huge opposition gains in the election. Although the UMNO-led Alliance, the predecessor of the Barisan National, retained an overall majority, it lost its two thirds majority and its control of Selangor state was threatened. Certainly there was much celebrating among the mainly Chinese opposition parties at the election result, which angered Malay politicians who sensed their political dominance was under threat.
By the time the riots were over, official figures said 196 people had been killed, 6,000 made homeless and more than 700 buildings destroyed or damaged.
Non-Malays in particular have long believed that though there was violence on both sides, it was a mostly one-sided affair with some Malay politicians, notably Selangor Chief Minister Harun Idris, encouraging mobs to attack Chinese areas and that the security forces initially did little to prevent violence. This is largely confirmed by contemporary reports such as those of Far Eastern Economic Review correspondent Bob Reece.
Kua’s thesis suggests that there was a grander political design behind the episode, which from the beginning was intended to create a new political agenda and new leadership. He attributes this to a younger Malay group dissatisfied with the aristocratic, pro-British the Tunku.
In any event, the Tunku effectively stepped aside as emergency powers to rule by decree were (temporarily) placed in the hands of a National Operations Council headed by his deputy Tun Abdul Razak – father of current deputy prime minister Najib Abdul Razak.
The Tunku remained prime minister until September 1970 but had little authority any more. In 1971 he also stepped down as president of UMNO after virulent criticism by the Malay “Young Turks,” headed by Mahathir Mohamad, the future Prime Minister.
The same year the government enunciated the New Economic Policy and began aggressive affirmative action programs to advance the economic and educational level of Malays.
However, while the consequences of May 13 may be clear, there are disagreements about Kua’s thesis even among those who attribute the riots to Malay politicians.
For example, Dr Syed Husin Ali also a respected academic and deputy head of the opposition Keadilan Party, has suggested that while some UMNO figures used the events as an opportunity to sideline the Tunku and set out a pro-Malay agenda, it was not planned as such.
In other words, Razak and others took advantage of the situation which arose after the election and the appearance of Malay mobs to grab the reins of power from the Tunku, with whom they were dissatisfied, but that it was not premeditated. Syed also takes issue with Kua’s view that they represented an aspirant Malay capitalist class when most had traditional and feudal links.
"Bookstores have been advised not to sell Kua’s book and a formal ban looks likely on the grounds that it will stir up racial animosities, which it could well do in the short run. However, from a broader perspective it is hard to see how a multi-racial, multi-religious Malaysia can flourish if events such as May 13 can only be discussed in private, while the public is fed a distorted official version in order to sustain the legitimacy of UMNO politicians. "
Enough said.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
I would think that he is the most corrupted leader, having to lead the country for only two terms and managed to create such a ripple in the country's political arena.
He is to me the most unreasonable person, having said a lot of things that he'll deny later, having his whole bunch of family involved direct and indirectly in the country's affair and the list goes on....
Zaid Ibrahim and UMNO - Che Det
Snippets - Zaid Ibrahim and UMNO - Che Det
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Art Exibition
Too bad i wont be able to attend.
To view some of his latest works;
Congrats on your yet another solo exibition.
Hopefully more to come.
Mental Disorders
Checking the calendar, it wont be until the next two weeks for my cycle to come and greet me again. And i should be feeling happy because i'll be travelling to my all time favourite destination; Egypt, again. Smelling the centuries old tombs and getting closer and touching what have been touched and walked upon by people of thousands years ago...and Ramses and Nefertiti and the museum.
And i still cant figure out why my feeling this way.
I sometimes wonder why women are made of these; hormones, too much of it what im saying.
God is great. But honestly, it's just a wee bit too much to take.
Lucky thing im not made of tears. Cant bear seeing women shedding tears whether they're sad or happy. Don't really understand why one need to cry when they're happy though.
See, i have been called 'windy' when i was much younger due to my rapid changes moods....and what im trying to indicate here is; nope, im not nearing any sort of 'stages' yet. Perhaps getting a little bit old despite my brain telling me that im just enjoying my late twenties early thirties time of my life (try figure it out people...).
Anyway, reading always help fetch me outa this depression well. Hence, below i have something for people like me <( or for people who doesn't admit that they're nearing or at the brink of that well too.....:-)>
And in a way, im also admitting that im facing a very minor mood/mental disorder. Don't everybody?
Mood Disorders
Also called: Affective Disorders
A mood disorder is a mental illness characterized primarily by mood swings or an abnormally high or low mood. Most mood disorders are defined and diagnosed by the occurrence of one or more mood episodes, or periods of abnormal happiness or sadness. Such episodes are not mood disorders in themselves.
Mood disorders include major depression, dysthymia and bipolar disorder, among others. Major depression and dysthymia involve periods of sadness and lack of pleasure or interest in normal activities as well as fatigue. Bipolar disorder includes episodes of both depression and mania, which is an elevated mood of (euphoria), combined with increased self-esteem, racing thoughts and reckless behavior or impulsive activity. If severe, episodes of high and low mood can involve psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations and delusions.
The causes of mood disorders are not completely understood. However, a chemical imbalance in the brain seems to play a major role in their development. Brain chemicals called neurotransmitters convey messages between the nerves. Abnormalities in the regulation of these neurotransmitters are believed to cause alterations in mood. Mood disorders also appear to be linked to genetics. Individuals who have relatives with a history of a mood disorder have a greater risk of developing a mood disorder.
The diagnosis of a mood disorder involves a physical examination by a physician and a mental health evaluation by a physician or a mental health professional. Mood episodes or mood disorders can be triggered or imitated by other illnesses, substance abuse or side effects of medications, so a physician must rule out these potential causes first. The mental health evaluation includes a complete history of symptoms, including when they began, how long they have lasted and how severe they are. It is also noted whether the patient has experienced these symptoms before and, if so, whether and how they were treated.
Depressive mood disorders are typically treated with antidepressants. Mood stabilizing drugs, particularly lithium, are the primary medications for bipolar disorder. Patients with mood disorders may also benefit from different types of therapy, including psychotherapy and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), in addition to medications. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) may be used in severe cases or in cases where medications are not effective or are not safe to use (e.g., pregnancy).