Umat Islam diharam amalkan Yoga secara sistematik
22/11/2008 1:20pm
PUTRAJAYA 22 Nov. — Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan hari ini mengharamkan umat Islam mengamalkan yoga secara sistematik, yang melibatkan unsur-unsur fizikal dan spiritual kerana ia bertentangan dengan syariat Islam.
Pengerusinya Datuk Dr Abdul Shukor Husin bagaimanapun berkata, amalan fizikal iaitu senaman dalam yoga, tanpa adanya unsur-unsur mentera dan pemujaan pada zahirnya tidak menjadi kesalahan.
Namun, katanya, ia tidak digalakkan kerana dikhuatiri boleh menghakis akidah seseorang Muslim memandangkan ia merupakan salah satu komponen daripada keseluruhan amalan yang diharamkan itu.“Amalan yoga yang berasal dari masyarakat Hindu mempunyai tiga peringkat, peringkat pertama adalah fizikal iaitu senaman, peringkat kedua adalah mentera dan pemujaan bagi mendapatkan ketenangan dan peringkat ketiga adalah penyatuan diri dengan tuhan.
“Oleh itu ahli muzakarah bersetuju memutuskan bahawa apa jua jenis atau bentuk amalan yang mengandungi unsur-unsur tersebut adalah dilarang dan bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam,” katanya kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.
Abdul Shukor berkata perkara itu diputuskan dalam persidangan Anggota Majlis Muzakarah Fatwa Kebangsaan ke-83 yang bersidang 22-24 Okt lalu di Kota Bharu, Kelantan, dan akan dipanjangkan kepada majlis-majlis agama negeri untuk diwartakan.
Selain Malaysia, amalan yoga telahpun diharamkan di Singapura dan Mesir, katanya.
Abdul Shukor berkata, pada peringkat ini, program kesedaran mengenai amalan itu akan diperluaskan ke seluruh negara melalui Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim).
Beliau turut menasihatkan masyarakat Islam supaya berhati-hati dan berwaspada dengan perkara-perkara yang boleh memesongkan akidah, serta perlu mengkaji secara mendalam mengenai sesuatu amalan sebelum melakukannya.
Beliau berkata terdapat banyak amalan lain dalam Islam yang boleh dilakukan bagi menjaga kesihatan dan mendapatkan ketenangan termasuk mengamalkan sembahyang dan berzikir.
Yoga merupakan satu pakej senaman yang telah diamalkan sejak 3,000 tahun sebelum Masihi dan dikatakan boleh melambatkan penuaan, mengurangkan risiko kencing manis, lelah dan penyakit jantung.
This is what these typical arse in Malaysia's government (ministries) would think of the Melayu in general; easily manipulated and influenced, which later would result to them becoming a murtad or kafir.
Perhaps their own families or relatives are those of whom would be easily influenced;hence it is natural that they themselves would think like that and that it is dangerous to be associated or doing some exercise which rooted from another belief or religion.
What would they think of tai-chi? Or perhaps one of the quite well known Chinese traditional medicinal practice called ; Chi-qong by one Malay doctor?
It makes me wonder whether dont these dumbhead conduct thorough research before throwing out this sorta decree to the public, i.e. the "easily' influenced Muslim in Malaysia. In other words; the Melayus?
The actual scenario in Malaysia, in particular the Klang Valley is; these yoga houses; they aren't the one that conduct those ritual yoga. Most of them are yoga classes conducted sometimes by non-Hindu instructors, at well known fitness centres or a private place in some exxlusive area such as Sri Hartamas or Petaling Jaya.
It is more of a 'lifestyle' for the middle high income and yuppies.
Fitness centres used to be the lifestyle and by having a member of one fitness house, that would make you doing the 'IN' thing. And these things are only understood by the non-kampung folks so to say.
There was one place in the Subang Jaya area where they published an advertisement on yoga classes. It was perhaps seven years back and me and my sister went there but after sitting down for half an hour to enquire about their facilities and practises; we declined.
The reasons being;
1) The classes conducted by one yogi person
2) No fees required but we need to contribute to their some sort of spritual funds on a monthly basis.
3) They gave us the idea that this particular place conduct spiritual tpye of yoga.
What did we do?
We did not go for it.
Because perhaps we are smarter and not easily influenced Muslims aka Melayu, unlike those who came out with the fatwa.
This stupid fatwa made me reflect back to many years before when there was a little bit of hu-ha in the print media in regards to the action taken by Information Ministry of Malaysia in banning one movie/documentary about Tibetan monks and their faith. It was supposed to be aired for the Wesak day. The reason for the ban was;
WHATELSE, if not the same bloody reason they would always use; deminishing the akidah of Muslims (in Malaysia). I mean, hell, why cant we, the Muslim learn about some other faith which contradicting to the government's move; that allows a day off for certain states in Malaysia.
If the government are willing enough to give a day off for those who celebrates the Wesak day; then why cant these people watch on tv the root of their faith.
What is wrong about learning.
There are non Muslim in universities around the world that do Islamic studies.
It doesnt make them a 'murtad' to their won faith.
I myself have been into a church for their morning mass, had been to the Siamese temple in Petaling Jaya and that does not make me wanna change my name to Lina Joy!!!
I rather lose the race im carrying now, than losing my religion.
I might not be your next door typical Melayu girl because i am not and i am not proud to be one.
What more with those skumbags keep coming out with such fatwas.
These are the people that would give Islam the worst ever image than it already have been suffering globally.
Be realistic people.
1 comment:
Shaz, (I hope you don't mind me calling you Shaz),
1. Out of topic. I am not commenting on your thoughts concerning the yoga fatwa;
2. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best in your home away from home and to thank you for choosing to become a "follower" of my blog;
3. I am especially touched that you cared to refer to my blog in your posting;
4. All the best and God bless.
Thank you.
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