Saturday, 15 August 2009

Mr. Swiney Pig

The 2009 flu pandemic is a global outbreak of a new strain of a influenza A virus subtype H1N1, officially named the "new H1N1", first identified in April 2009, and commonly called "Swine flu." It is thought to be a reassortment of four known strains of influenza A virus[96]: one endemic in (normally infecting) humans, one endemic in birds, and two endemic in pigs (swine). Transmission of the new strain is human-to-human, with cooked pork products safe to eat as the virus cannot be transmitted by eating foods.

For all my friends who still believe that pigs are not the cause of this worldwide pandemic, please be rest assure that i am not out to attack you and your love to consume the meat of this deadly flu carrier just because they start calling it H1N1 (commonly the pandemic is still known as 'Swine Flu').

This killer virus which are airborne had caused 1,462 deaths worldwide since its outbreak in April. The total number of positive cases worldwide now stands at 35,025 as the current report as of three days ago. Here in this country i reside it only managed to 'kill' one person and the my birth country to date had 51 death; which is not surprising due to the climate and large-scale pig farming especially around Malaysia's west coast Negri Sembilan.

The influenza H1N1 so far as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) with symptoms which can last up to a week, are similar to those of seasonal flu, and may include fever, sneezes, sore throat, coughs, headache, and muscle or joint pains.

This viral spread must be taken seriously because it is airborne and spreads easily between people, through the air or surface contact and those who get the flu are recommended to stay home from school or work and avoid crowds to avoid spreading the infection further....(now I'm regretting having dinner at one of my fave place last night due to mass crowds there).

In an attempt to slow the spread of the illness, a number of countries, especially in Asia, have quarantined airline passengers with flu symptoms, while some are also pre-screening passengers.

WHO does not expect to have a full vaccine before the end of 2009, and vaccines available sooner may be limited and given first to healthcare workers, pregnant women, and other higher risk groups. Two or three injections will be required for maximum immunity from both the swine flu and seasonal flu. There is also concern if the new virus mutates further, it could become more virulent and less susceptible to any new vaccine.

Okay, for those of you who are oblivious and lack of info on this 'Swine Flu' pandemic; please read following....just to have some tips for your goodself.

What is swine flu?

(Note: U.S. researchers are trying to term 2009 swine flu viruses as H1N1 flu viruses as of April 2009.) Well i guess this must be because they and some other felt 'humiliated' and 'belittled' with people blaming their favourite meat.

Swine flu (swine influenza) is a respiratory disease caused by viruses (influenza viruses) that infect the respiratory tract of pigs and result in nasal secretions, a barking-like cough, decreased appetite, and listless behavior.

Swine flu produces most of the same symptoms in pigs as human flu produces in people. Swine flu can last about one to two weeks in pigs that survive. Swine influenza virus was first isolated from pigs in 1930 in the U.S. and has been recognized by pork producers and veterinarians to cause infections in pigs worldwide. In a number of instances, people have developed the swine flu infection when they are closely associated with pigs (for example, farmers, pork processors), and likewise, pig populations have occasionally been infected with the human flu infection.

In most instances, the cross-species infections (swine virus to man; human flu virus to pigs) have remained in local areas and have not caused national or worldwide infections in either pigs or humans. Unfortunately, this cross-species situation with influenza viruses has had the potential to change. Investigators think the 2009 swine flu strain, first seen in Mexico, should be termed H1N1 flu since it is mainly found infecting people and exhibits two main surface antigens, H1 (hemagglutinin type 1) and N1 (neuraminidase type1).

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