Muslims should not wear ManUtd jerseys.
KUALA LUMPUR: Muslims must not wear the famous Manchester United red jersey because of the “devil” emblem on its team crest, Malaysian clerics said today.
Manchester United and the rest of the English Premier League are massively popular in Muslim-majority Malaysia and the rest of the Asian region, but conservative religious scholars said the jersey is un-Islamic.
Also off limits are the shirts of teams including Brazil, Portugal, Barcelona, Serbia and Norway, all of which carry images of the cross on their team emblems.
“This is very dangerous. As a Muslim, we should not worship the symbols of other religions or the devils,” Nooh Gadot, a top Islamic cleric from the southern Johor state, told AFP.
“It will erode our belief in Islam. There is no reason why we as Muslims should wear such jerseys, either for sports or fashion reasons,” said Nooh, an advisor to the Johor religious council.
“Even if it (the jersey) is a gift, we should decline it. It is even more sinful when people realise this is wrong and still buy these jerseys to wear,” he added.
Nooh said there was no “fatwa”, or religious edict, against the shirts but that one was not needed when it was clearly wrong for Muslims to don such a garment.
“These Muslims should repent, repent immediately,” he said.
Another leading cleric, Harussani Zakaria, a cleric from northern Perak state, agreed that devils should be shunned, not celebrated.
“Yes of course in Islam we don’t allow people to wear this sort of thing,” he told AFP. “Devils are our enemies, why would you put their picture on you and wear it? You are only promoting the devil.”
Malaysia is a generally moderate Islamic country, but conservative clerics have issued controversial edicts in the past including a ban on the ancient practice of yoga, which is criticised for including Hindu religious elements. -AFP
..."As a Muslim, we should not worship the symbols of other religions or the devils,” said Nooh Gadot, a top Islamic cleric from the southern Johor state."...
Now, the thing that they must understand is, these football supporters are not idolising or worshipping other religions what more any symbols deem un-Islamic.
They merely support the sport, the team, and NOT the logo that carries the symbol whatever un-Islamic.
What actually wrong here is; when some clerics trying to be famous coming out with such statement, I'd like to think perhaps to get some footing or cheap coverage in their 'industry'.
It is mere sporting my religious and pious friends.
If any of you think that it is un-religious and un -Islamic, then what about supporting your Malaysia football team -- those near death team. The teams which will never smell the World Cup stadium in the next 15 years or more.
And just how many Muslims had they (the clerics) encounter shunning the religion to be a an atheist, or Christians after wearing the jersey?...or in this case worshipping the team Manchester United?.....
I had read most of the cases of Malaysian Muslims shunning and chucking Islam to be either Christians, Hindu or others because of money (the Christians provided shelters for homeless, or money to poor university students), love (Hindus - i know two of them) and some other reasons. But, lets go right to the root cause of all these -- it's what God's will unto them as well.
Funny thing is, the religious people in Malaysia or the clerics, seems to think that it so so very easy for the Muslims to be convinced or to be influenced by such petty thing. Such thing that somehow could on the other hand lead the Muslims to be a mockery among those non-Muslims.
Already Islam has been the champion of terrorism in the eye of the westerners, in Malaysia, the Muslims are being pictured as very fragile people that need to be taken care of in every aspects of their living -- INCLUDING logo to be worn on their shirt.
I remember an incident where a documentary about the Dalai were banned many years ago from being aired on Malaysian television commemorating the Wesak Day reason being; it might shaken the aqidah of the Muslim majority.
If so, why not the government of Malaysia ban the public holiday in some state in Malaysia for Wesak Day because it might make more Muslims turning to be a Buddhists and it might post a danger towards the Muslims aqidah in general.....
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