Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Healthy my ass...

KUALA LUMPUR: A doctor, the second defence witness in Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy trial, told the court on Tuesday that he had examined Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan on June 28, 2008 and found his anus healthy even though the plaintiff said he felt pain when passing motion.

Anwar Ibrahim, the struggling-to-helm Opposition leader who was once described by Al Gore as one of the most enlightened and visionary political leaders in Asia, must have taken an extra precaution before getting into action with this Mohd Saiful Bukhari.
Either, Saiful (who obviously doesn't know) what had been used to sodomised him, or he simply made believed that he had been sodomised by Anwar.

The trials which received much condemnation from the western media however will continue until I don't know when. It has been so long. Saiful Bukhari had been to the mosque to do a special proclamation that he had been sodomised, and that if he had been lying, he will befallen with severe punishment from Allah almighty.

But whatever it is, Saiful's ass is sure a healthy one ...

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