Sunday, 16 March 2014

MH370 -- Question marks.

Absurd....not accepted!

How can the Malaysian Airlines MH370 jetliner, which went missing for more than a week was "deliberately diverted and continued flying for more than six hours after severing contact with the ground,"...?

Oh come on....Najib the Prime Minister or whomever involved can at least give some acceptable excuses....
In the latest PC, it was revealed by the Prime Minister the missing jetliner was deliberately diverted. 

With that,  now, instead of focusing on searching for the plane, the search activity will take yet another turn. But this time on land.
Malaysian police have already said they are looking at the psychological state, family life and connections of pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, and co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid, 27. Both have been described as respectable, community-minded men. 
Both are indirectly suspected to have been involved in a terrorist attempt.

Even one UK tabloid in its news report said 'the Captain is a strong supporter of the ousted and currently jailed opposition de facto leader, Anwar Ibrahim', whom made his last show of support by attending the leader's trial hours before his scheduled flight.

But if you ask me, I'd say most probably failing to get even a single debris or concrete lead after more than a week search, the Malaysian government and after evaluating suggestion from its search counterparts -- agree to come out with that 'excuse'. So at least will give the public, especially the Chinese something to cling on, and that the passengers are still alive.

And this naturally, anyone would say this lead resulted from  the captain's youtube load showing his flight simulator at home, thus conveniently made him a suspect.
Then I must warn all other captains out there to start dismantling theirs, if any have one at home. Who knows what might happened...
Experts add on saying that whoever disabled the plane's communication systems and then flew the jet must have had a high degree of technical knowledge and flying experience. One possibility they have raised was that one of the pilots wanted to commit suicide, which personally I believe are not acceptable and possible.
MH370 which has made Malaysia as the centre of worldwide news one week ago, departed for an overnight flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing at 12:40 a.m. on March 8. Its communications with civilian air controllers were severed at about 1:20 a.m., and the jet went missing — heralding one of the most puzzling mysteries in modern aviation history.
China, with two-thirds of the plane's passengers were theirs, must has been under pressure to give relatives firm news of the aircraft's fate. Relatives have been expressing irritation and blaming Malaysia for 'foot-dragging' in releasing information about the search.
The nation had during the course of search leaked an information, which later deemed as unreliable.
That is desperation to give some answer, i reckoned. 
It seems now one of the plane's communications systems — the Aircraft and Communications Addressing and Reporting System had been disabled before the aircraft reached the east coast of Malaysia and shortly afterward, someone on board switched off the aircraft's transponder, which communicates with civilian air traffic controllers.
While Najib confirmed that Malaysian air force defence radar picked up traces of the plane turning back westward, crossing over Peninsular Malaysia into the northern stretches of the Strait of Malacca, he did not mentioned why earlier report didn't stated so. It was only mentioned suspected turning. 

To back up his statement that there might be possibility of hijack, he pointed that 'pings' can still be sent to satellites although the aircraft was flying virtually blind to air traffic controllers. 
Now authorities determined that the plane's last communication with a satellite was in one of two possible arcs, or "corridors" — a northern one from northern Thailand through to the border of the Central Asian countries Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, and a southern one from Indonesia to the southern Indian Ocean.
The northern route might theoretically have taken the plane through China, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan — which hosts U.S. military bases — and Central Asia, and it is unclear how it might have gone undetected. The region is also home to extremist Islamist groups, unstable governments and remote, sparsely populated areas.
Nonetheless, come to think of it, what happened to those countries which MH370 'might' attempted entering their air? Don't they have radar capabilities to detect foreign object or planes?
Fourteen countries are involved in the search for the plane, using 43 ships and 58 aircraft.

What is next?

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